Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Fidelity's Ironic Announcement and True Independence

Today's post is a two for one. 

The first is a comment about a recent sales flier I got from Fidelity just a few days ago.  It stated that now may be the time for US Equities (stocks).  Inside the brochure it details the various reasons, such as a rebounding housing market and a resurgence in manufacturing that may take place.  I find it ironic that Fidelity makes this announcement now, as the DOW is sitting at a new all time high.  Where was this announcement in March of 2009?  This is an all too familiar theme in the investment industrial complex.  As a retail investor you are "sold" what feels right at the time and seems to make sense.  If Fidelity was really on your side, they would have been saying this forever, and especially in 2009. But, from a sales perspective what is easier, telling people to buy stocks in 2009, or trying to sell them something safe like bonds or some alternative investment like commodities?  There is a difference between giving investors what they want and what will sell, and telling what they need.  Sometimes doing what is necessary does not feel good at the time.

Also, today I had to laugh on the way home.  On a local channel I heard a wealth management firm advertise how it was "independent" and not beholden to any large national financial firms.  It wasn't influenced "by the manufacturers of financial products".  Sounds nice, doesn't it?  But, then comes the fine print.  Any investment office out there is either a) a brokerage office, or b) a fee based planner.  If they have a broker dealer, they ARE affiliated with a larger firm and DO sell financial products. This firm that claimed to be independent, is, in fact not.  They are an Linsco Private Ledger (LPL) office.  Thus, they have to do things that LPL says it must do.  Secondly, they DO then also sell manufactured financial products.  If they really wanted to act in the best interest of the client, they would not need a broker dealer.  The only reason you need a broker dealer is to collect commissions on the sale of commissionable products (financial products).  So, in short, this ad was a sham in my humble opinion.  The firm is not truly independent, and it also does sell the very products it pretends to eschew. Now, no one outside of the industry is going to be able to tell you about this distinction, but that is our mission at Veritas- Investor Education.  Catch our next class on March 28th.

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