Learning Opportunities


We believe that "an informed investor is a better investor."  We offer at least two classes each month about finances,  investing, insurance or taxes  for our clients and their friends.  We have found that  people who attend these classes are less likely to be upset by current media hype or inevitable market ups and downs--and are more likely to be peaceful, savvy investors.

 These classes are NOT a sales pitch for a financial product. 

If our investing philosophy is new to you, or if you have never attended our classes, we recommend you attend "Myths & Truths: the Story of Investing" first, if you can. 

Unless otherwise indicated below, join us in the Veritas Annex (across the hall from the Plymouth office) for a complimentary lunch at 11:30 a.m. or dinner at 6:00 p.m.  during our Investor Education Series classes.  Please rsvp to 920-893-5262 or jburri@veritasinvesting.com. Dates and Times may be subject to change.

January 14th 11:30am
January 15th 6:00pm
In Plymouth
January 13th 6:00pm
In Oshkosh
"Taxes, 2015 and Beyond"
A look at what is changing, what is not, and what may lie ahead for the tax code.

January 24th
"2nd Annual VFS Icefishing Charity Classic"
TJs Harbor Restaurant
see www.studentfishing.com
for a flier.

February 10,17 and 24th
A three part Series
"Pre Retirement Planning"
Through Plymouth Community Ed
go to www.plymouth.k12.wi.us/com.html
for more information and learn how to register.
6:00pm-7:30pm all sessions