Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Seven Deadly Investor Mistakes

Yesterday we promised a follow-up post about Margaret Wittkopp's SEVEN DEADLY INVESTOR MISTAKES presentation at Veritas' Charitable Golf Open.  Unfortunately, we can't share the whole thing, but here are some highlights.

Mistake 1:  Missing the Basics
     Own equities (small and value)
     Rebalance (so you buy relatively low and sell relatively high)

Mistake 2.  Poor Design
Do you know there is a "science" of investing based on Nobel-prize winning research?  One that does NOT involve, market timing, track-record investing or trying to pick the next hot stock?  Most people don't.

Mistake 3.  Investing on Instinct
What "feels" right is often wrong!

Mistake 4. Focusing on the Wrong Things
It can be hard, when the market is see sawing, to take the long view, but if you don't your finances will suffer. 

Mistake 5.
No TRUE Diversification
Most American investors have a lot of "stuff" (most often in actively-managed mutual funds) but no real diversification.

Mistake 6.  No Discipline
Most of us tend to overextend, overcompensate and overreact.

Mistake 7.  No Coach
You may have a planner, an advisor, a broker, a wealth manager...but that is not the same as a Financial Coach.  Margaret Wittkopp and Jeremy Burri are financial coaches. 

What does a coach do?  A coach:
Helps you Strategize
Adjusts for "false feel"
Specializes in one thing

Would you like to know more about the science of investing and what the academic research reveals? Would you like to find out if you are genuinely diversified or just have lots of "stuff?"  Do you need help to become a more disciplined, peaceful investor?  We can help.

If you are in the Plymouth area, pleas join us for one of our upcoming classes.  Just click on the Learning Opportune tab at the top of this to find topics and dates.  Or you can call Margaret or Jeremy for a no-cost initial consultation, 920-893-5262.

For more about Margaret's journey from "advisor" at a large brokerage firm to "coach" at her own firm--and why it matters--click HERE. 

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