Thursday, December 10, 2009

Making the Transition From Financial Planner to Coach

When I first met Margaret Wittkopp, Veritas' owner, I knew that she had worked in the financial industry as a financial advisor/planner for years. I soon discovered that she had been employed by a well-known brokerage firm that has offices all over the USA and overseas as well. You would know the name right away, and you might also be able to direct me to a location near you.

Soon after coming to Veritas I learned that we are aligned with Symmetry and Mark Mattson's Abundance Technologies, and I knew that this had been a big transition for Margaret and for Veritas.

What I did not understand was what changed a successful financial planner into a champion for TRUTH (Veritas), a crusader if you will, for change, education, and a more efficient way to invest. Margaret could have remained where she was and done quite well for herself. Instead, she has taken risks to do things in a very different manner.

If you are following along in our series you already know that it is not "investing as usual" at Veritas. Would you like to hear more about what happened to Margaret? Check out this ten minute video, an interview with Mark Mattson, where Margaret reveals that what turned her in a different direction was discovering the hidden costs she was unknowingly passing on to her clients.

If you are thinking, "Ten minutes? Too long..." think about how important money is to our lives and our futures!

So do you know the hidden costs in your portfolio? Do you know how to find out? (Hint: your financial advisor probably doesn't know and can't tell you.)

I recently saw an FMIA (the "Free Market Investment Analysis" that Margaret speaks about in the video) for a couple who are modestly invested in the Market. Margaret was able to show them how they can save nearly $100,000 in costs over the next ten years!

Are you ready to explore a different way?

Call us toll-free at 888-893-5262, or email Margaret at to find out how you can request an analysis of your current portfolio, including your actual costs.

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